The California Secretary of State's office has announced that effective Monday, December 7, 2020, through at least the end of December 2020, it will temporarily suspend lobby pick up and expedite/preclearance services due to the rise of COVID-19 cases.
All expedites dropped off on Friday, December 4, 2020, or prior will be processed as 24-hour filings and mailed back to the submitter upon completion. Going forward, any documents submitted through the lobby drop box will be returned by mail and will not incur the state's special handling fee.
As part of these changes, the state will also suspend the 72-hour rule for rejected filings.
The Los Angeles office of the California Secretary of State will be closed during this time.
The Los Angeles office of the California Secretary of State will be closed during this time.
We're here to help! Please feel free to contact CLAS with questions or for help in planning your projects to minimize service delays. 800.952.5696 | clasorders@clasinfo.com.