CLAS Information Services is happy to share that we have added South Carolina to our DIY Search System™. Users can now log in to the system and perform UCC searches in South Carolina.
With the DIY Search™ system, users enjoy anytime, anywhere access to perform UCC and lien searches using the most accurate, current state-direct data available. Flexible search logic enables searchers to identify name variations and uncover difficult to locate liens, and sorting and filtering options allow them to drill down and organize findings according to their preference. Downloadable documents images allow searchers to review collateral description instantly.
Additional DIY Search features include:
- Searching by Debtor Name or File Number
- Ability to export search results to Excel
- Ability to email search results and copies
- Saved search history (access for a full year!)
- Instant invoicing
- Integration with UCC eZFILE PRO®
Integration with CLAS's UCC eZFILE® PRO UCC filing and portfolio management system means users now have the ability to transfer lien data from their DIY Search™ results directly into their UCC eZFILE® PRO portfolio for tracking purposes and to expedite preparation of terminations, continuations and other critical UCC3 filings.
To learn more about online UCC searching with DIY Search™, contact CLAS today at 800.952.5696 or by email at connect@clasinfo.com. Contact CLAS to schedule your 20-minute system demo!